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Qué dulce: Dentro de una panadería (Sweet: Inside a Bakery) (Spanish Version)

Sinopsis del Libro

Libro Qué dulce: Dentro de una panadería (Sweet: Inside a Bakery) (Spanish Version)

Learn the secrets to artful cupcakes, oven-fresh bread, and other delicious baked goods in this delightful nonfiction title. Readers will learn how mathematics helps bakers measure their ingredients to make tasteful treats. Featuring vibrant images and charts, informative text, and fun, intriguing facts, this Spanish-translated nonfiction book will leave children fascinated by all the details that go into baking their favorite treats--like doughnuts and cookies!

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Número de páginas 32



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Libro Todo acceso: Una casa de modas (Backstage Pass: Fashion) (Spanish Version)

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Escalar y saltar (Climbing and Diving)

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