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El Gran Libro de Los Aviones de Combate

Sinopsis del Libro

Libro El Gran Libro de Los Aviones de Combate

Since the airplane's invention in 1903, thousands of military aircraft have been designed and hundreds of thousands of have been produced. Drawing widely from that massive group, journalist Paolo Matricardi has fashioned a fascinating history of this deadly weapon of war. This large-format book traces the military aircraft from the early days of the 1911 Italy-Turkey war, when the first bomb was dropped from an airplane, to today's computerized, high-tech models with precision-guided missiles and laser targeting. Author Matricardi discusses such intriguing models as Lockheed's A-12 Oxcart (the world's fastest military aircraft), the English Electric Canberra and Boeing B-52 Stratofortress (both of which have flown for more than five decades and remain in service today), and many other milestone machines. The book provides a lively, informative look at a century of military aviation development, from the U.S. Army purchasing the world's first military aircraft from the Wright Brothers to the bombers and fighters participating in the second Iraq War.

Ficha Técnica del Libro

Número de páginas 431


  • Paolo Matricardi


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