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Libros de H. A. Rey (2 libros)

Jorge El Curioso Visita El Acuario/curious George At The Aquarium (bilingual Ed)

Libro Jorge El Curioso Visita El Acuario/curious George At The Aquarium (bilingual Ed)

The aquarium is one big, exciting place for a little monkey. George’s curiosity helps him make lots of new friends . . . and get into lots of mischief too. But when a baby penguin is in trouble, George comes to the rescue as only a monkey can! The new English/Spanish edition includes highly readable text and bilingual bonus activities. More than 680,000 copies sold in all formats! Esta nueva edición español-inglés incluye un texto muy fácil de leer así como actividades bilingües adicionales. ¡Ya cuenta con más de 680.000 copias vendidas en diferentes formatos! ¡Splash! El acuario...

Jorge El Curioso Vuela Una Cometa/curious George Flies A Kite (read-Aloud)

Libro Jorge El Curioso Vuela Una Cometa/curious George Flies A Kite (read-Aloud)

The Reys’ beginning reader Curious George Flies a Kite is now available as a Spanish/English bilingual edition. This is the first time this classic story has been translated to Spanish. When Curious George makes some cute bunny friends, one of the babies gets away! George uses a string to help get the bunny back to its mother, and discovers that strings can also be used for fishing and flying kites. But when Bill’s kite flies away—with George attached—it will take the man with the yellow hat to get George back on solid ground. This ebook edition features both English and Spanish text...