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Mi comunidad (My Community) Lap Book (Spanish Version)

Sinopsis del Libro

Libro Mi comunidad (My Community) Lap Book (Spanish Version)

This wordless picture book introduces children to different businesses, services, and members of a community. With vibrant images, children will be eager to describe what they see or create a story of their own. Young learners will build foundational literacy skills as they relate the images in the book to places in their own community. This large lap book measures 9.5" x 12" and is ideal for a shared reading experience or teacher read-alouds.

Ficha Técnica del Libro

Número de páginas 16


  • Lee Aucoin


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Libro Descubre...Los Animales

Desde que el ser humano es tal, ha admirado, temido, incluso venerado a los animales. Esto tiene una explicacion: son una pieza clave en nuestra subsistencia como especie. Con excelentes fotografias e ilustraciones, el presente libro narra como nos hemos relacionado con los animales a traves de los siglos en los diferentes lugares del mundo. Book jacket.

Alexander Graham Bell (Spanish Version)

Libro Alexander Graham Bell (Spanish Version)

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Libro Dropboy

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¡Supervivencia! Desierto (Survival! Desert) (Spanish Version)

Libro ¡Supervivencia! Desierto (Survival! Desert) (Spanish Version)

Imagine being lost and stranded in the desert. Would you know what to do to survive? This useful Spanish-translated nonfiction title explains the important skills needed to survive in the desert. With helpful diagrams and images, definitions, tips and instructions, informational text, a bibliography, and a list of other helpful websites, readers can be assured that they will learn about the dangers of heat exhaustion, desert plants that could aid in survival, and other helpful tips in order to survive in an emergency.

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