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Libro Mestizo

This first number of the collection follows the European aesthetic transformations and its influence in Peruvian colonial society. This fine edition illustrates through a descriptive catalogue of baroque Andean pieces, selected from the private collection of the late Eduardo Barbosa Falconi and his wife Silvia Stern, the "mestizo" art developed during the 16th century in Peru, mainly used for religious purposes. Includes texts by Cecilia Bákula Budge, Paloma Carcedo de Mufarech, Ricardo Estabridis Cárdenas, Jaime Mariazza Foy, Ramón Mújica Pinilla and Luis Eduardo Wuffarden.

Ficha Técnica del Libro

Subtitulo : del renacimiento al barroco andino

Número de páginas 159


  • José Torres Della Pina


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