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Los gases (Gases) (Spanish Version)

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Libro Los gases (Gases) (Spanish Version)

What continues to expand to take up all the space it can? Gases! Gas is a state of matter, like a liquid or a solid. But it has properties that are quite different. In this Spanish-translated book, read all about the differences and what makes a gas a gas.

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Número de páginas 32



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Otros libros de William B. Rice

Productores y consumidores (Producers and Consumers)

Libro Productores y consumidores (Producers and Consumers)

This nonfiction Spanish book teaches students about producers and consumers, and introduces them to important scientific concepts and vocabulary terms like nutrient cycle, food web and photosynthesis. The intriguing images, detailed diagrams, and stimulating sidebars will keep students connected to the text. The fun lab activity provides a real-world learning experience that supports STEM instruction. Aligned to state and national standards, the leveled text supports differentiation. Keep students reading with this fascinating Spanish book.

Los terremotos (Earthquakes) (Spanish Version)

Libro Los terremotos (Earthquakes) (Spanish Version)

Most of the Earth's changes happen over millions of years, but earthquakes can force significant changes to the land in just a few moments. Readers will learn the science of plate tectonics and its role in the development of earthquakes around the globe. They will also learn that not all rocks are created equal. In fact, rocks are all different ages! This Spanish-translated book concludes with images of the damage and destruction that earthquakes can cause.

Más libros de la temática Juvenil No Ficción

Una ayuda para ver mejor: Read-Along eBook

Libro Una ayuda para ver mejor: Read-Along eBook

Over the years, people have looked for ways to improve our imperfect sight. This has led us to the world of optics, which is the study of light and how it travels. What are some of these innovations that have changed how we see the world, and how do they work? Find the answers to these questions with this Smithsonian Informational Text! Created in collaboration with the Smithsonian Institution, this text builds students' reading skills while engaging their curiosity about STEAM topics through real-world examples. It features a hands-on STEAM challenge that guides students through every step...

Félix, el amigo de los animales

Libro Félix, el amigo de los animales

Todos los españoles conscientes de la extraordinaria valía del doctor Félix Rodríguez de la Fuente guardarán siempre el recuerdo de quien tanto hizo por acercar a todos el interés por la conservación de la naturaleza. S. M. el Rey D. Juan Carlos I (año 1980) Enseñó al hombre lo que tiene de animal para que racionalice lo que tiene de persona. Félix dijo muchas veces: «aprende, hombre, que otros animales inferiores conviven, aman, compiten, luchan, pero no inventan armas. Ni se drogan». Ramón Sánchez Ocaña Sabía que la ballena azul no era una lámina. La ballena azul, todo...


Libro Aviones

Aviones sigue la historia de Dusty Crophopper, un avión fumigador sentimental y amante de la velocidad que sueña con competir en la carrera en el aire más dura y emocionante de la historia. Solo hay un par de problemillas: Dusty no está hecho para participar en una carrera ¡y tiene miedo a las alturas! Disfruta de toda la emoción y aventura de la película Aviones, con este divertido libro en el que no solo podrás conocer la historia, sino también hacer un montón de actividades, desde sopas de letras hasta recetas de cocina. Aprenderás vocabulario, podrás demostrar que eres un...

La Segunda Guerra Mundial (World War II)

Libro La Segunda Guerra Mundial (World War II)

When the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor in 1941, it prompted the United States to enter World War II on multiple fronts. From Africa to Europe, the Pacific to the home front, explore the American experience of World War II through the first-hand documents of the war.

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