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La reproducción de las plantas (Plant Reproduction)

Sinopsis del Libro

Libro La reproducción de las plantas (Plant Reproduction)

Like all living things, plants need to reproduce to survive. Wind, water, animals, and people all play a role in this process. This nonfiction Spanish book teaches students about plant reproduction, and introduces them to important scientific concepts and vocabulary terms like angiosperm, gymnosperm, gametophyte, and pollination. The intriguing images, detailed diagrams, and stimulating sidebars will keep students connected to the text. The fun lab activity provides a real-world learning experience that supports STEM instruction. Aligned to state and national standards, the leveled text supports differentiation. Keep students reading with this fascinating Spanish book.

Ficha Técnica del Libro

Número de páginas 32


  • Shelly C. Buchanan


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93 Valoraciones Totales

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