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Cuestión de dinero: ¿Cuánto vale? Conocimientos financieros (Money Matters: What's It Worth? Financial Literacy)

Sinopsis del Libro

Libro Cuestión de dinero: ¿Cuánto vale? Conocimientos financieros (Money Matters: What's It Worth? Financial Literacy)

What makes something a good value? Why is it important to use money wisely? How will creating a budget help you purchase a new bike? This engaging Spanish book will teach students financial literacy through the use of real-world examples while incorporating nonfiction reading to increase vocabulary and comprehension skills. The challenging practice problems, graphs, and sidebars provide many opportunities for students to practice their developing math skills, and apply what they've learned to their daily lives. Essential text features like a glossary, index, and table of contents will increase students' interest level and their interaction with the text. "Math Talk" poses problems for further thinking, requiring students to use their higher order thinking skills. Teaching math and reading has never been so seamlessly integrated-or so easy!

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Número de páginas 32



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Las personas y el planeta (People and the Planet)

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¡Analízalo! (Analyze It!)

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La Tierra y la luna (Earth and Moon)

Libro La Tierra y la luna (Earth and Moon)

Learn about the Earth and the Moon with this engaging Spanish science reader. With easy-to-read text, this book teaches students important scientific concepts and vocabulary including the phases of the Moon, the movement of the Earth around the sun, and the rotation of the Earth. Aligned to state and national standards, the book contains nonfiction text features like an index, a glossary, captions, bold font, and detailed images to keep students connected to the text. A hands-on science experiment helps students apply what they have learned and develops critical thinking skills.

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Libro Cuentos para crecer por dentro

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Presentación: Bienvenidos al universo poético de "Un Reflejo Arcoíris". Este libro es un viaje a través de las vastas llanuras y colinas, donde la vida gaucha se entrelaza con el romance, las devociones populares y las leyendas que han marcado la memoria colectiva. Cada poema es un destello de color en el arcoíris de la existencia, capturando la esencia de experiencias que han dado forma a la identidad de un pueblo. Introducción: En las páginas de "Un Reflejo Arcoíris", las palabras se convierten en jinetes que galopan por la vastedad de la vida gaucha. Cada verso es un susurro de las ...

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