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Libros de René Chandelle (2 libros)

Historias Secretas de la Edad Media

Libro Historias Secretas de la Edad Media

From feudalism to the rise of cities, this book is a guide to the secrets and mysteries of the medieval world. It explores the plight of serfs, the bravery of the knights-errant, the frustrated ventures that were the Crusades, the romanticism of courtly love, and a number of other topics in an engaging style. The book also focuses on the role the Catholic Church played during the Middle Ages—often for ill—examining indulgences, the Inquisition, and the motivation for the construction of gothic cathedrals. Desde el feudalismo hasta el surgimiento de las ciudades, este libro es una guía de ...

Mas Alla Del Codigo Da Vinci / Beyond the Da Vinci Code

Libro Mas Alla Del Codigo Da Vinci / Beyond the Da Vinci Code

El libro que, segun su autor, resuelve el misterio de Maria Magdalena, Jesus y sus hijos, asi como el gran secreto templario y el Santo Grial.