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Libros de John M Bennett (2 libros)



Poetry. MIRRORS MÁSCARAS is the 3rd volume in John M. Bennett's major series focused on particular topics that consists, so far, of LIBER X and OLVIDOS. It includes a series of typographic poems in the form of masks, followed by textual poems in a wide variety of styles and forms, in English, Spanish, some French and other languages. Bennett's inventiveness and energy, his visuality combined with highly literate, resonant, conceptual and aural beauty, make this unique work a force to change the language and to change the way language is used.



Poetry. "Bennett has been the avant in avant-garde in the latter half of the 20th century with his Lost and Found Times, one of the great 'small press poetry rags' of all time, and then through his Luna Bisonte Prods press. OLVIDOS ('Memories'; though the word also and literally means 'things forgotten') is quite possibly his masterpiece. 339 pages of zany often inarticulate expositions of a kind of lunar madness that can only be the work of the descendent of such poets as Vicente Huidobro and Guillaume Apollinaire. There is most likely something for everyone here from minimalist visual...