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Libros de Jeff Lemire (6 libros)

Descender 6

Libro Descender 6

Los robots se han rebelado y por fin convergen todas las facciones de nuestra historia en la órbita del planeta Mata. La guerra está por comenzar, al tiempo que Tim-21 descubre el verdadero origen de los segadores. Sin embargo, nada podrá prepararlo para lo que está por llegar. La serie Descender ha sido aclamada por la crítica desde su lanzamiento. El futuro distópico en el que las máquinas son perseguidas después de un ataque a la humanidad ha cautivado a millones de lectores. Además, la dupla de ganadores del premio Eisner, Lemire y Nguyen, hace de esta serie una exquisitez...

Descender #30

Libro Descender #30

"THE END OF THE UNIVERSE," Part Two Is this really the end? Tim-21 is delivered to the enemy and betrayed by one of his closest allies. But nothing can prepare the universe for what comes next as King S'Lok returns and does the unthinkable. Meanwhile, Queen Between and Andy face a betrayal of their own, with Bandit hanging in the balance.

Ascender #16

Libro Ascender #16

"STAR SEED," Part Two Startling secrets are unveiled as Andy, Effie, and their allies fight to make it off Sampson alive. Meanwhile, MotherÕs forces narrow their sights.

Ascender #12

Libro Ascender #12

"THE DIGITAL MAGE," Part Two Last issue saw the return of the beloved Driller, and now another fan-favorite DESCENDER character is set to returnÉbut have they been forever changed? Find out!

Descender #28

Libro Descender #28

"OLD WORLDS," Part Two The origins of the Harvesters are finally revealed as we jump back thousands of years to see the dawn of the robotkind and the the secrets of the Ancient Robot and how it connects to Tim-21 in the present. Secrets that have been building since issue one are finally revealed in this shocking new story arc. Each issue in this arc will feature "Little Descender" variant covers by DUSTIN NGUYEN in his "Little Robot" style.

Ascender #6

Libro Ascender #6

ÒTHE DEAD SEA,Ó Part One The hit fantasy series from powerhouse creative team JEFF LEMIRE and DUSTIN NGUYEN continues! After a bruising escape attempt, Andy finds himself in the clutches of the Militia, which means the murderous Mother canÕt be far behind. Meanwhile, Mila books passage on a ship piloted by none other than the irascible Captain Telsa!