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Libros de International Monetary Fund (3 libros)

Manual de Balanza de Pagos y Posición de Inversión Internacional

Libro Manual de Balanza de Pagos y Posición de Inversión Internacional

The sixth edition of the Balance of Payments and International Investment Position Manual presents revised and updated standards for concepts, definitions, and classifications for international accounts statistics. These standards are used globally to compile comprehensive and comparable data. The sixth edition is the latest in a series that the IMF began in 1948. It is the result of widespread consultation and provides elaboration and clarification requested by users. In addition, it focuses on developments such as globalization, financial market innovation, and increasing interest in...

Informe Anual 2010

Libro Informe Anual 2010

El Informe Anual a la Junta de Gobernadores pasa revista a las actividades y políticas del FMI durante un ejercicio determinado. Consta de cinco capítulos: 1) Panorama general, 2) Evolución económica y financiera mundial, 3) Políticas para lograr un crecimiento mundial sostenido y equilibrado, 4) Reforma y fortalecimiento del FMI para poder respaldar mejor a los países miembros y 5) Finanzas, organización y rendición de cuentas. Los estados financieros completos correspondientes al ejercicio se publican por separado y también están disponibles, junto con los apéndices y otros...


Libro Paraguay

The staff paper for the Third Review Under the Stand-By Arrangement on Paraguay focuses on the macroeconomic framework and medium-term scenario, risks, and capacity to repay the IMF. There have been delays in implementing some structural measures, especially related to the approval of banking legislation, owing to a shift in the political environment and congressional delays. Macroeconomic performance has been better than envisaged under the program. The authorities have adopted a new strategy involving a two-stage approach that they believe is politically feasible to achieve but will require ...