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Libros de Héctor Tizón (2 libros)

El Gallo Blaco

Libro El Gallo Blaco

The seven beautiful short in this collection concern the lives of an upper-middle-class family in small town Argentina in the 1930s. It is a patriarchal society, bound to fading customs and harsh realities. The Model T has arrived and so too has the Olympic swimmer Jonny Weissmuller, but little of the outside world is know first-hand, instead only as depicted in the French novels they read. The collection is followed by the author's notes on his thoughts about the writing of each story.

Sota de bastos, caballo de espadas

Libro Sota de bastos, caballo de espadas

Un gran fresco del mundo y de la vida en este país del norte. La epopeya de la guerra gaucha "del éxodo" pero no vista desde arriba, sino desde abajo, desde el punto de vista de quien la sufrió y la hizo.