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Libros de Fernando Sánchez Miret (3 libros)

Romanitas - Filología Románica - Romanística

Libro Romanitas - Filología Románica - Romanística

The volume aims to convey an impression of the richness and fascination of Romance Philology and the infinite variety of the contours and contents of the field of Romance Studies. The author was less concerned with developing novel theoretical models, but rather wanted to trace the manifestations of the most important stages in the development of the subject area and – wherever possible – to complement them with his own contributions.

Sección 4: Semántica léxica, lexicología y onomástica

Libro Sección 4: Semántica léxica, lexicología y onomástica

The proceedings assemble some 240 papers covering eight sections: 1. phonetics and phonology, 2. morphology, 3. syntax, 4. lexical semantics, 5. editing and textual criticism, 6, rhetoric, poetics and literary theory, 7. applied linguistics, 8. history of linguistics. In addition, they include four plenary lectures and two round table discussions. The papers provide a panorama view of old and new concerns in Romance studies illustrated from various theoretical perspectives and providing an example of what this sector has to contribute to the development of linguistics and literary studies in...

Discursos inaugurales – Conferencias plenarias – Sección 1: Fonética y fonología – Sección 2: Morfología – Índices: Índice de autores, Índice general

Libro Discursos inaugurales – Conferencias plenarias – Sección 1: Fonética y fonología – Sección 2: Morfología – Índices: Índice de autores, Índice general

The proceedings assemble some 240 papers covering eight sections: 1. phonetics and phonology, 2. morphology, 3. syntax, 4. lexical semantics, 5. editing and textual criticism, 6, rhetoric, poetics and literary theory, 7. applied linguistics, 8. history of linguistics. In addition, they include four plenary lectures and two round table discussions. The papers provide a panorama view of old and new concerns in Romance studies illustrated from various theoretical perspectives and providing an example of what this sector has to contribute to the development of linguistics and literary studies in...