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Libros de D. M. Rice (2 libros)

Visita a una fábrica de automóviles (A Visit to a Car Factory) 6-Pack

Libro Visita a una fábrica de automóviles (A Visit to a Car Factory) 6-Pack

Learn the many steps that must be followed to make a car! With vibrant, detailed photos, informational, Spanish-translated text, and a chart to show steps of the assembly line, even the most reluctant reader will want to learn more about this fascinating factory! This 6-Pack includes six copies of this title and a lesson plan.

Visita a una granja (A Visit to a Farm)

Libro Visita a una granja (A Visit to a Farm)

Take a trip to the place where cows and horses play and fields of crops grow in this Spanish-translated nonfiction book that tours a farm! Early elementary readers will discover the types of farm animals, crops, and different machinery used to run a farm. With informational text, a picture glossary, a map of the farm, and bright, colorful photos, readers will want to learn all about life on a farm!