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Libros de Claire Llewellyn (2 libros)

Asi Nace Una Mariposa (Starting Life: Butterfly)

Libro Asi Nace Una Mariposa (Starting Life: Butterfly)

Este libro ilustrado para niños describe el ciclo de vida de la mariposa monarca, desde que la oruga sale del huevecillo, antes de convertirse en una crisálida, hasta que se transforma en adulto.

Como nacen los bebés?

Libro Como nacen los bebés?

Aimed at young children, this series teaches the basics of healthy eating, hygiene, caring for your body, and sexuality. The humorous illustrations capture the reader's attention, getting across the point that is expressed in the simple but informative texts. Children will learn about the dangers of drug abuse, the importance of exercise, how to fight germs, where babies come from, and much more. Text copyright 2004 Lectorum Publications, Inc.