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Libros de Bill Johnson (2 libros)

Cuando el cielo invade la tierra

Libro Cuando el cielo invade la tierra

SPANISH EDITION: Reveals the mystery of those who follow God and describes clearly their radical worship and fervent search. At the same time, it uncovers the personal description of a God chaser. Get ready; you might discover your own heart. This book will ignite a flame of passion in your spirit.

El Poder Sobrenatural de una Mente Transformada

Libro El Poder Sobrenatural de una Mente Transformada

SPANISH EDITION. Living in the spiritual realm should be a part of every believer's life, much like prayer, worship and Scripture reading. Healing, freedom, signs and miracles are an inheritance for all followers of Jesus Christ. This book teaches you how to remove the curtain of religious limitations in order to redeem the lost and transform communities.