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Libros de Anna Garcia (2 libros)

El Gran Libro de Las Legumbres

Libro El Gran Libro de Las Legumbres

El gran libro de las legumbres includes over 200 recipes for legume lovers. This essential book is divided into seven chapters (lentils, chickpeas, white and green beans, peas and other legumes). In addition, it explains the history, benefits, conservation and how to cook this delicious food.

Se Altera La Vida

Libro Se Altera La Vida

Our daily consumption is full of risks. Numerous scientific studies warn that diseases such as breast cancer and can be linked to synthetic substances found in countless consumer products, from food and cosmetics to cookware and paint. This invisible contamination also threatens animal well-being and the environment. This book is a profound and personal journalistic exploration that stems from the author's experience with hyperthyroidism.